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TV Presenting
- Acquire basic skills in presenting for television and radio
- Knowing the basic differences between performances for different media (radio - television - theatre)
- Possessing basic technical knowledge in television presentation
Subjects of the course
Why do you want to become a broadcaster?
Broadcaster specifications.
Types of broadcasters, what is the role of the broadcaster, his relationship with the editorial team, his relationship with the director and the technical crew.
Dealing with the automated reader, the speaker in the broadcaster’s ear, and its role.
Gravity, presence and sound
Calmness, quick wit and focus.
News broadcaster, what are his characteristics? How to prepare for publication?
The broadcaster’s relationship with the bulletin’s editor-in-chief.
The broadcaster’s relationship with the newsroom.
Emergency alert, breaking news.
Interviews flyers.
Broadcaster specifications.
How does he prepare?
How does he plan his program?
How does he deal with the team, how does he distribute speech among the guests?
How does the program end?
Types of programs
Fashion for male and female broadcasters